I have decided to pay a bit more attention to my backgrounds... I tend to do the girls first and then the backgrounds feel as though they are an afterthought.
So above is my first attempt at thoughtful backgrounds... I am quite proud of the amount of colour I have achieved here. I was sitting at my table ready to start this piece, I had white paint and an off white colour called cloud and that was it... I thought to myself 'Katherine how are you supposed to achieve any sort of colour with white and not quite white'!!! So I got out some chalk pastel pencils and started working intuitively, just going with the flow, adding colour here and there... and using my not quite white paint to get rid of anything I didn't like.
There are parts that I really love and parts that need a bit more attention... and I am not really sure what the taller house is saying yet but I think it is a good start and am looking forward to spending more time on this process.
For those that were interested in some of the pendants from a few posts ago, I will add some to my Etsy shop soon when I can get some good pictures of them... stay tuned.