Arabella knows stuff, she has a knowledge of things that is different to Genevieve's practical expertise... Arabella's is more of an intuitive knowledge, a familiarity she gains from contact with life, from rolling in it like the ebb and flow of the waves.
She is a watcher and a thinker and when she talks everyone tends to listen... she is often surrounded by animals and fish leap out of the water when she is near.
I have only been fishing once, it was when I accompanied a neighbour who had done a lot of fishing to the river... I never caught a fish but I did happen to snag a $20 note on my line. On the way home he said to me "Kate (he called me Kate not Katherine and I let him)... in all my days I have never had a catch quite like that" Oh and there was another time, but that way my brother's story... when he got my Aunt tangled up in his line even before we got to the water, that made me laugh.