I think I'd mentioned that I had bookmarked this year as my year of knowledge and so far it has been more than I would have ever expected. Apart from all the information and guidance it has really made me think about what I am doing, what I want to do and where I am going... really big scary stuff. One of the big things that came up was that I really wanted to get more drawing into my work. It is a hard feeling to put into words but I feel like I am needing to re-invent my style a little, put more of myself in there.

So last night I had a little play while I thought about what I love doing... and what I love doing is this: painting {smallish}, cutting things out, drawing, collage, working on paper and telling a story. I also love working in photoshop making {surface} patterns from my images. I think I can incorporate all of these things into my art work? So I am thinking that for the rest of this year and maybe some of the next year {as well as being a year of knowledge} it will also be a year of play, re-invention and discovery.