Here are four new girls, the other three are still under construction... I have also made them into postcard sets for my
etsy shop...

This one is called, 'Lessons we haven't learnt yet'. I have always wanted to sail, and have a dream to sail around the little islands of Canada, whether it is possible I am not sure... and to be truthful I am probably too clumsy to sail?

This piece is called 'I'm going to where the weather suits my clothes'... she is my favorite one of the four. I love geese, especially after watching 'Fly away home'. I think they are very clever flying to where the weather suits their feathers.

The title of this piece is 'Saying the first thing thats in my heart' I wish I could do this...

The first time ever one of my girls has her mouth open... 'I know the stars that shine on me' I have a rotten voice and couldn't sing to save myself. But this girl can and it is all about knowing what you are good at or what you enjoy and doing it.
We were supposed to have the worst storm in a decade over the weekend, well my car decided to break down in the middle of it!!! Luckily for me by the time the storm made it to our east coast it had died down a little. I still got soaked waiting for the AA man to come and assess the damage, and my kind mother came to my rescue, and took us home as my car got towed away. We are due for another storm this evening, I do like a bit of moody weather (as long as I am not stuck in a broken down car)!!!

I have finally done myself a business card, I have had a few people asking whether I had one... so this is it.
As I finish these pieces of work I get worried, whether I will have any more ideas for another lot. Last night as I waited for sleep to come I could feel the little sensations of new ideas forming...