I have done a few of these sinking girls for The Gilded Leaf in Napier, the others were similar to ones I have done before but this one was a bit different, she is blue. I am enjoying playing with different colours for the girls outfits and their swimming caps. I am also thinking of a new series of super hero girls...? I have just listed this and another green one in my
Etsy shop.
The things that have made me feel like I was living on a constant roller coaster over the last wee while have now become semi normal
(I have heard that it takes around two weeks to get used to something new). Routines are so very important to me, I think it has something to do with the changaphobia I have. If I know what is coming up I am fine, but when something happens, and it might only be a little something, I get the feeling I'm back on that blasted roller coaster again and a sense of anxiety creeps in. But I am not a complete freak as I have coped with a few sudden medical mishaps in the past and the whole trip to the UK was fine
(Mind you my lists helped me with this one). I also think talking to my mother helps a lot, she is often the voice of reason.
As someone commented a few posts ago, often our fears and worries are unwarranted. But I think it is good to be prepared for these things and better to be pleasantly surprised then a great disaster smack you in the face with no warning.
A lits of 5 things today...
1... I guess life is just like that, all the ups and downs otherwise it wouldn't be life.
2... I have two interesting commissions to get on with this week.
3... There was no frost this morning, and we are only a few weeks away from the shortest day!
4... I am sure I grew a little bit taller in the night?
5... I am excited as Ben said this morning he wants a monster cake for his birthday... and then I can make invites to match the cake in the monster theme!!!
P.s... Don't forget to enter the giveaway in my last post, it finishes tomorrow (Tuesday) at midnight!!!