(in my heart)
I seem to be surrounded by a lot of half finished paintings at the moment... at the end of this week we start our two week term break and I have a very long to do list that I hope to complete in this time.
- finish off 5 half finished paintings
- get the above ready to send to galleries
- take a trip to the post office
- pull all the weeds from the garden (I had a dream last night that I carefully pulled all the weeds out of my garden and then in the middle of the night I replanted them in my neighbours garden)
- stack fire wood
- try a few of the ideas in my head
- make some scones with lemonade
- make a big pot of vegetable soup
- start the wine box project
Things like this are inspiring me at the moment...
Written and directed by Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths
Music by A Fine Frenzy.