I am quite fond of bugs and so is she, they can be very pretty if you look up close. But don't look too close otherwise they will become a little bit nasty. She is not quite finished, there are a few more details I need to add.
I am not sure how many works I should have to start with on esty? people seem to have lots and lots... I have 5 so far. Maybe that is a good start and if none sell then I haven't wasted too much time.
This could be the reason why I am feeling quite restless at the moment, things aren't quite right and I haven't been sure why? Maybe it is the coming of autumn? I feel an urgency in the air around me, like I should be completing tasks, checking things off a list. (I don't have a list and I can't find a pen) and I should be far too busy to be thinking about the shape of my toenails.