This is the beginning of a new piece of work... I am not sure what it will look like when it is finished or where it will lead but this is where it's at right now.
While I was nearing the end of getting work ready for the exhibition I had a lot of new ideas forming in my head, but I couldn't really do anything about them as I didn't have time to start new works. And now these ideas have gone... well maybe not gone, they have just gotten a little lost. Which is the way I am feeling at the moment. Like this piece above I am not sure where I am heading, where I want to go, want to be... I feel like I am just a tiny step ahead of everything, with not much room for breathing. Although I guess it is better than being a step behind and it is probably just the way it is at this time of the year.
I am finding it is so easy these days to give myself a hard time for not living up to my own dreams... I wonder whether there is anyone out there who is completely living the life they dreamed?
Out of the blue the other day Ben asked me this...
Ben..."Is Michael Jackson dead"?
Me... "yes he is"
Ben..."was he alive before he died"?